Neil Silcox

Teacher | Director | Actor

The end of a (cheap) era!

The end of a (cheap) era!

Scenes from the Here and Now

In Scenes from the Here and Now we explore the best Canadian plays of the past 5 years. Offering actors a chance to sink their teeth into the kinds of scripts that are being produced today. Over the course of six weeks we'll explore a wide range of Canadian plays and come to understand how to unify your physical and vocal practice into connected, authentic moments on stage.

Classes will take place Monday nights from 6:00pm-9:00pm between April 16th and May 21st 2018 at the FuGen Theatre Studio @ Carleton and Sherbourne.

The cost is $250 for six weeks, a 50% deposit will be required to secure your place. 

Please email to secure your spot. 

Can't wait to see you!

There is no more stage. There are no more footlights. You are among the people...These pieces were written in silence. The courage of the play is to speak them.
— Leonard Cohen

To find out more about Neil, click here.